Pomelo Travel


Pomelo Travel is an online travel service centered around helping individuals take a leap into learning more about the world through travel.  First off, I began working on an extensive rebranding effort on creating a logo geared towards a feeling of tropical wanderlust with a nostalgic touch. 

One of the ways we instilled this desire of learning and creating cultural awareness was through the conceptualization and production of Terra Ignota Magazine.  The publication is comprised of unique travel stories from unique perspectives as well as, curated photography and abstract artworks from various artists and friends.  Below is a snippet of some excerpts and visuals from the magazine...enjoy:)     

Aside from the publication work I also designed a lot of merchandise and marketing content for Pomelo Travel (pictured below).

Musically Proper  

Musically Proper is a platform for music lovers that want to deepen their insights into the obscurities of music or just want to be a better music listener in general.  Below are two logos created for MP to create some sort of ambient trance and satisfaction for music lovers.

Ruby Haunt

The following are tour posters designed for the dreampop band Ruby Haunt

Divorce Court

Some Album covers and merchandise designed for band Divorce Court